Welcome to the Forum Bounty Helper Board!

To see a list of the current leaderboard, or a record of past winners, go here

Drone Dojo members can now earn cash while helping to answer fellow drone dojo member questions on the Drone Dojo forum!

Each month, $150 will be rewarded:

1st: $100

2nd: $50

So how will this work? 

Every time a question is asked on the forum, there will be potential to generate points for providing the top helpful answers. 

Once the question is resolved by participants in the forum thread, the original thread poster will designate the 1st most helpful and 2nd most helpful person and the thread will be locked. 

1st most helpful points will net you 10 points, and 2nd most helpful will net you 5 points. 

So in the above example, @jax200 would receive 10 points and @caleberg would receive 5 points. 

The leaderboard would then be updated at the end of the week to show the current standings for the month:

After 7 days of inactivity on a forum thread, the post will be locked. If the author of the thread has not designated a winner, I will use my discretion to award a winner then lock the thread. 


At the end of each week, the points will be tallied and the current leaderboard will be updated at this link


At the end of each month, a winner will be declared and the funds will be sent to you via PayPal. 

In addition to the monthly prizes, we will also be awarding prizes for all time achievements!


  • If you win 1st place 2 times,   you will receive a custom “Drone Dojo Instructor” t-shirt.
  • If you win 1st place 5 times,   you will receive a $250 bonus. 
  • If you win 1st place 10 times, you will receive a $500 bonus. 
  • If you win 1st place 20 times, you will receive a $1,500 bonus. 


The purpose of doing this is to generate quicker question resolution for fellow Drone Dojo-ers who are stuck, in addition to showing our appreciation for the most helpful Drone Dojo members 🙂

Miscellaneous Rules:

  • The post must be current. You cannot answer a question from a dead thread from months ago and receive points. 
  • In the event that you gave a good answer, the original poster is inactive and the points aren’t rewarded manually by me until the month is over, your points will count towards the next month. 

From now on, I will be trying to limit the number of questions I answer via direct email, as I am afraid that some of the answers are forever hidden in email, where others experiencing the same issue don’t have visibility. Housing the questions on the forum instead will provide greater transparency for solution attainment. I will still be answering questions on the forum as well, so nothing will really change if you were primarily asking questions via email before!

If you have any questions, please email me at caleberg@dojofordrones.com