Gazebo Drone | Advanced ArduPilot SITL Simulation

Gazebo Drone | Advanced ArduPilot SITL Simulation

If you don’t know already, SITL drones are a very powerful tool in the drone development space. Basically they are simulated drones that run right on your computer.  A basic SITL instance can be spun up in both ArduPilot and PX4, and provide robust testing capabilities right out of the box.  However, some drone applications…

Make An OpenCV Drone

Make An OpenCV Drone

Building a drone that can be controlled with computer vision may sound difficult, but with the right knowledge it is much easier than you would initially suspect. Here is all you need to build an opencv drone.  Let’s take a look at the high level architecture of a drone that could accomplish this task.  Pitfalls…

What Is MAVProxy?

What Is MAVProxy?

So you’ve come here to get a better understand of what MAVProxy is. In a nutshell, MAVProxy is a lightweight ground control station, where the drone/vehicle can be controlled through a simple command line interface. No GUI needed.  A typical GCS like MissionPlanner or QGroundControl let’s you do basic things, like: Change flight modes Monitor…

What Is A Companion Computer On Drones?

What Is A Companion Computer On Drones?

What is a companion computer?  While they are a very important element of a drone build, they are by no means required.  Why is this?  Companion computers only give you the capability of designing higher level drone applications. They don’t actually directly control any of the onboard drone hardware.  The board that is responsible for…

What Is A Flight Controller?

What Is A Flight Controller?

So what is a flight controller you ask? You’ve come to the right place. Think of the flight controller as the brains of the drone. All of the drone’s hardware will plug into the flight controller, including the motors/escs, gps, compass, lidar, rc receiver, telemetry etc.  With all the drone’s hardware plugged into this central…

Build A Navio2 Drone

Build A Navio2 Drone

The Navio2 shield can make any raspberry pi into a flyable drone. It was the first of its kind, starting out under the name Navio+, then later releasing the second version Navio2.  Emlid is the company behind the Navio2 shield, and they carved out quite a niche which served as the foundation of their business. While…